
Exploring Health Care Needs of Children

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Exploring Health Care Needs of Children

Hello, I am Nichole Rapids. As a parent of two young children, I am no stranger to the local healthcare clinic. Whenever the kids run a high fever, suffer from ear pain, or exhibit strange symptoms, I bring them into the clinic for an immediate checkup. The kids also receive all of the vaccinations on the given schedule at this clinic. I want to use this site to talk about the healthcare needs of children. I want to share information about procedures performed at the local clinic and reasons to go into the hospital instead. My site will also discuss various situations that necessitate a call to the triage nurse. I hope that my website will help other parents keep their kids healthy from infancy to adulthood.


How To Keep Your Joints Healthy And Strong

While some joint problems are hereditary, there are a lot of things you can do to keep your joints working properly. Here are seven things you can do to keep them healthy:

1. Exercise. Strengthening your muscles will take some of the strain off of your joints. Even if you are unhealthy there are some easy exercises you can do to keep your muscles strong. Talk to your doctor before starting any exercise program and start with something really easy. Anything is better than nothing. You can slowly add more as you get stronger. Swimming, rebounding, walking, and bicycling are great because they are low-impact. 

2. Change positions often. If you sit for long periods of time (at a desk or on a couch), get up and move around every thirty minutes. Your joints will stiffen when they aren't used. You can take short walks, stretch, stand while you are on the phone, etc. 

3. Watch your posture. Sit and stand straight to protect the joints in your back and in your neck. Be careful when you lift heavy objects so you don't injure yourself.

4. Eat well. Some foods that are great for your joints are:

  • Milk, yogurt, cheese, kale, broccoli and other calcium-rich foods
  • Cereal, milk, and other foods with Vitamin D (it helps your body absorb the calcium)
  • Salmon, nuts, oatmeal and brown rice for the Selenium (an antioxidant)
  • Sardines, herring, and other fatty fish for the Omega 3's (which can reduce swelling in your joints)
  • Olive oil, which contains oleic acid with antioxidants 
  • Sweet peppers, squash, pumpkin, tangerines, and other foods with beta-cryptoxanthin (another powerful antioxidant) 

5. Drink plenty of water. It acts as a lubricant for your joints and will keep them working properly. 

6. Ice your joints when they hurt. If your joints are bothering you, ice them for twenty minutes to reduce pain and inflammation. 

7. Visit a doctor. If you have any pain in your joints, visit a doctor as soon as you can. You don't want to ignore it and cause further problems. An orthopedic doctor can prescribe medication, give you advice on exercise and diet, and get you in for surgery if it is needed. 

As you take care of your joints, you will be able to slow the aging process and enjoy a greater range of motion for many more years. For more information, contact a local clinic like Sturdy Memorial Hospital.