
Exploring Health Care Needs of Children

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Exploring Health Care Needs of Children

Hello, I am Nichole Rapids. As a parent of two young children, I am no stranger to the local healthcare clinic. Whenever the kids run a high fever, suffer from ear pain, or exhibit strange symptoms, I bring them into the clinic for an immediate checkup. The kids also receive all of the vaccinations on the given schedule at this clinic. I want to use this site to talk about the healthcare needs of children. I want to share information about procedures performed at the local clinic and reasons to go into the hospital instead. My site will also discuss various situations that necessitate a call to the triage nurse. I hope that my website will help other parents keep their kids healthy from infancy to adulthood.


Determining Foods That Cause Allergies

If you have noticed symptoms such as rashes, body aches, migraine headaches, or skin flushing after you have a meal, there is a good chance that something you are consuming is causing this type of reaction. When you have a food allergy, your body will release histamines in an effort to save your body from the intruder. This is the cause of the reactions in the body as it tries to fight off the unknown culprit that you are having sensitivity with. Here are a few ways you can try determining the cause of your food allergies while at home.

Try A Pulse Test

There is some evidence that your pulse will quicken after you ingest food that your body is allergic to. This study done by Dr. Arthur Coca in 1956 has you testing your pulse at several times each day to determine your normal heart rate. After a pattern is determined, you can test your pulse rate after eating food that you suspect may be giving you trouble.

When you do so, make sure the food is of a simple form and not one mixed with other ingredients. If your pulse rate increases, there is chance you are allergic to that food. Stop eating it for a while and see if your pulse rate goes back to their normal range. 

See An Allergist

A doctor can best determine if you are allergic to certain foods. There are a series of tests given to find out which ingredients you may have trouble with. A complete medical history will be evaluated and then the allergist will decide which course of action to take to track down the foods bothering you.

One way to test for allergies is to have a food elimination period in which foods are taken away from your daily diet for several weeks. If your symptoms subside, it will be assumed that one of these foods is the reason for your allergy. The doctor will have you reintroduce the foods one at a time for several days to see if the symptoms reappear.

If they do, the doctor will use skin prick tests to see if there is a similar reaction when this food is introduced to your body through the skin. Results will usually show up very quickly after the allergen is placed in the skin. If both of these tests are positive, the food will need to be avoided. Talk to a professional like Allergy Asthma & Immunology Center for more information.